Time Series Analysis

About this content

The succession of events and the way they relate to the concepts of present, past and future. Explaining the past and predicting the future is a reason for constant reflection and study from the origins of humanity. In statistics there are some objetive techniques to predicting the future. Some techniques can be classified as descriptive and others as inferences when considering the presence of a probability distribution. All of them, of course, try to minimize errors in them and all rely on some fundamental principles:

1) Have enought information about the past.

2) The information must be quantifiable in some form of associated data at regular time intervals.

3) It is assumed that there is some inertia in the studied phenomena that results in patterns that are repeated at least partially in the future.

About this material.

The material presented has been developed with free software, the code that the notebooks contain is mostly its own and made for academic and teaching purposes.

Software used during the elaboration of the content:

Jupyter notebooks http://jupyter.org/
Python 3 https://www.python.org/download/releases/3.0/
Docker https://hub.docker.com/r/jupyter/all-spark-notebook/


Time Series Stationary Models Time Series Smoothing Methods View notebook
Time Series Stationary Models Stationary processes View notebook
Time Series Stationary Models Autoregresive Time Series View notebook
Time Series Stationary Models Moving Average Time Series View notebook
Time Series Stationary Models ARMA & ARIMA Time Series View notebook
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Most of the theoretical content is not proper but is a compendium of classic results and examples from of diverse sources.

"Time Series Analysis Forecasting and Control" Box, G. Jenkins, Holden Day, 1971
"Métodos de Pronósticos" Makridakis, S.; Wheelwright. Limusa, 2000